Data 日本語入門 Primer to Japanese Language

Data 日本語入門 Primer to Japanese Language

Data 日本語入門 Primer to Japanese Language

Data 日本語入門 Primer to Japanese Language

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日本語入門 Primer to Japanese Language Level 1 Data

解説 Commentary:

入門 (Hiragana: にゅうもん Romaji: Nyu-u-mo-nn) means a primer in Japanese.

This page lists basic words that Japanese language learners need to get started.

入門. にゅうもん. Nyu-u-mo-nn. Primer.
入(to enter) + 門(gate).

文字. もじ. Mo-ji. Letters.
文(writing) + 字(letter).
文字(Moji) is the general word for characters.

漢字. かんじ. Ka-nn-ji. Chinese letters.
漢(Chinese) + 字(letter).
Japanese high school students can read 2000 漢字(kannji) characters by the time they graduate.

ローマ字. ろーまじ. Ro-u-ma-ji. Romanization.
ローマ(Rome) + 字(letter).
ローマ字(roumaji) is another word for Alphabet.
The Japanese say "ローマ字で書く" when write Japanese word in Alphabet.

アルファベット. あるふぁべっと. A-ru-fa-be-tto. Alphabet.
Transcription of English "Alphabet."
Always write in Katakana.

. おと. O-to. Sound.
音(oto) is all that is audible to the ear.

発音. はつおん. Ha-tsu-onn. Pronunciation.
発(to utter) + 音(sound).
発音 is the sound that comes out of the human mouth.

母音. ぼおん. Bo-o-nn. Vowel.
母(mother) + 音(sound).
The Japanese language has five "あいうえお(aiueo)" 母音(bo-onn).

子音. しおん. Shi-o-nn. Consonant.
子(child) + 音(sound).
子音(shi-onn) are all sounds except 母音(bo-onn).

言葉. ことば. Ko-to-ba. Word.
言(logos) + 葉(leaf).
言葉(kotoba) derives from the Japanese archipelago.
The modern Japanese language includes both "漢語(かんご kann-go)" derived from China and "和語(わご Wa-go)" derived from the Japanese archipelago.

辞典. じてん. Ji-te-nn. Dictionary.
辞(section) + 典(template).

意味. いみ. I-mi. Meaning.
意(intention) + 味(taste).

語源. ごげん. Go-ge-nn. Word origin. Etymology.
語(language) + 源(origin).

記号. きごう. Ki-go-u. Symbol.
記(sign) + 号(mark).

文法. ぶんぽう. Bu-nn-pou. Grammar.
文(writing) + 法(rule).

平仮名. ひらがな. Hi-ra-ga-na. Hiragana.
平(flat) + 仮(temporal) + 名(name).
平仮名(ひらがな hiragana) is a script developed in the Japanese archipelago from Kanji.
One character represents one sound.

片仮名. かたかな. Ka-ta-ka-na. Katakana.
片(half) + 仮(temporal) + 名(name).
片仮名(Katakana) and 平仮名(hiragana) correspond one-to-one.
"アイウエオ" and "あいうえお" have a one-to-one correspondence.
片仮名 (katakana) is used to make sentences easier to read, similar to English uppercase and lowercase letters.

五十音. ごじゅうおん. Go-ju-u-o-nn. Fifty sounds.
五(five) + 十(ten) + 音(sound).
五十音(gojuu-onn) is another name for 平仮名(ひらがな hira-gana). 五十音は、平仮名の別名です。

平音. へいおん. He-i-o-nn. Flat sounds.
平(flat) + 音(sound).
平音(hei-onn) is from "あいうえお(a-i-u-e-o)" to "わをん(wa-wo-nn)" in 平仮名(ひらがな hiragana).
The throat does not vibrate when pronouncing 平音(hei-onn).

濁音. だくおん. Da-ku-o-nn. Muddy sounds.
濁(muddy) + 音(sound).
濁音(daku-onn) are from "がぎぐげご(ga-gi-gu-ge-go)" to "ばびぶべぼ(ba-bi-bu-be-bo)" in 平仮名(ひらがな hiragana).
The throat vibrates when pronouncing 濁音(daku-onn).

拗音. ようおん. Yo-u-o-nn. Twisted sounds.
拗(to twist) + 音(sound).
拗音(you-onn) is pronunciation in 平仮名(ひらがな hiragana) with a small "ya-yu-yo".

あいうえお. あいうえお. A-i-u-e-o.
In Japanese, "あいうえお(a-i-u-e-o)" is the first five letters of 平仮名(ひらがな hiragana).
In Japanese, primary school students learn "A-i-ue-o" first.

仮名. かな. Ka-na. Alias.
仮(temporal) + 名(name).
仮名 (ka-na) is a whole set of 平仮名(ひらがな hiragana) and 片仮名(Katakana).

振仮名. ふりがな. Hu-ri-ga-na. Hiragana aid.
振(to swing) + 仮(temporal) + 名(name).
振仮名 (ふりがな fu-ri-ga-na) is reading aid in Hiragana.
When students don't know the reading of a kanji, teachers put 振仮名 (ふりがな fu-ri-ga-na) aside of the kanji.
Textbooks for begginners are with 振仮名 (ふりがな fu-ri-ga-na).

ルビ. るび. Ru-bi. Hiragana aid. ルビ (るび ru-bi) is the another name for 振仮名 (ふりがな fu-ri-ga-na). ルビは、振仮名の別名です。

真名. まな. Ma-na. True name. Official name.
真(true) + 名(name).

. こえ. Ko-e. Voice.

連濁. れんだく. Re-nn-da-ku. Euphony.
連(liaison) + 濁(muddy).

音読み. おんよみ. O-nn-yo-mi. Chinese-reading.
音(sound) + 読(to read) + み.
音読み (おんよみ o-nn-yo-mi) is a way of reading kanji imported from China.
It is similar to the Chinese pronunciation.

訓読み. くんよみ. Ku-nn-yo-mi. Japanese-reading.
訓(meaning) + 読(to read) + み.
訓読み (くんよみ k-u-nn-yo-mi) is a way of reading Kanji based on the words derived from Japanese archipelago.

This site shows the basic words to start learning Japanese and East Asian languages.

探求資料 Further study:

Japan Ministry of Education (文部科学省). 学習指導要領 生きる力. 2017.
Republic of Korea Ministry of Education (대한민국 교육부).
People's Republic of China Ministry of Education (中华人民共和国教育部). Tōngyòng Guīfàn Hànzì Biǎo (通用规范汉字表). 2013.
U.S. Department of Education (アメリカ合衆国教育省).

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Reference 探究資料

科目別 By Subject

日本語 (Hiragana: にほんご Romaji: Ni-ho-nn-go En: Japanese)
辞書 (Hiragana: じしょ Romaji: Ji-sho) En: Dictionary)
言葉 (Hiragana: ことば Romaji: Ko-to-ba En: Word)
漢字 (Hiragana: かんじ Romaji: Ka-nn-ji En: Kanji)

対象 By Grade

Basic Japanese
Intermediate Japanese
JLPT N5 N4 N3 N2 N1
East Asia Studies

探究 Further study

GENKI: An Integrated Course in Elementary Japanese I. 2006.

山口仲美(やまぐちなかみ). 日本語の歴史. 2006.

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