PDF List 助詞 Particle

PDF List 助詞 Particle
List Japanese 助詞 Particle PDF
助詞 (Hiragana: じょし Romaji: Jo-shi) means a particle, or a marker.
助詞 is a word used in a sentence and never used alone. A particle is placed after another word to indicate the word's status in a sentence. This is because Japanese is flexible in the order of words. Without particles, subject and object of the sentence wouldn't be clear to the listener.
Further study:
Japan Ministry of Education (文部科学省). 学習指導要領 生きる力. 2017.
Republic of Korea Ministry of Education (대한민국 교육부).
People's Republic of China Ministry of Education (中华人民共和国教育部). Tōngyòng Guīfàn Hànzì Biǎo (通用规范汉字表). 2013.
U.S. Department of Education (アメリカ合衆国教育省).
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